Monday, May 28, 2012


Now that Memorial Day is over and you're headed  back to work tomorrow, we'd like to give you something to look forward to. On Sunday, June 3rd we're having a Resident Appreciation Day party at the Byron Pool from Noon to 4pm. (Rain date is June 10.)

It took a lot of work on the part of a lot of people to stop the bonding process, but the real heroes are the residents who showed up in record numbers at the polls to overwhelmingly turn down the bonds and send a message to the board.

The work's not done, but we still need to take a day to celebrate what was accomplished on May 10th, 2012. And who needs an excuse for a party anyway?

So, drop by the Byron Pool on Sunday, June 3rd from Noon to 4PM. Stay for an hour or ten minutes, get to know like minded people. There will be pizza, munchies, soda and beer. All you have to bring is yourself. And a friend if you like. 

See you there!

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