Sunday, October 21, 2012


“To get a more transparent, fiscally responsible and responsive Board, we have to speak up and vote.  We have to encourage capable, fair-minded people to run for offices, and we have to get out and vote for them.”-anonymous contributor from “One Last Chance to Decide the Future of Farmington Woods”

From the MA:

“The Farmington Woods Tax District will hold it’s annual election on Tuesday, October 30, 2012 in the North Lounge of the Clubhouse.

Registration starts at 6:15 pm
Meeting opens at 7:00 pm

As there are 3 positions open and we have 6 people currently running there will be a ballot issued to each person who registers.

All 6 will be listed with an extra line for anyone nominated from the floor.”

I’m happy to announce that of the six candidates for the tax district board I’m able to endorse two. Since there are three openings I wish I had one more to endorse, but as noted above it is still possible for another candidate to be nominated the night of the meeting.

It seems odd that our Declarations allow the President of the Condo Board to be a candidate for the Tax District Board, but it’s just another way of maintaining the status quo, I guess.

And the status quo at Farmington Woods is that golf will survive at all costs, despite years of losses, the Great Recession and the downturn in the popularity of golf worldwide. It is for this reason that I wholeheartedly endorse the following two candidates:

Peter A. Janus
2 Redwood Lane

I have been a resident of Farmington Woods since the early 1980’s. If elected to serve as a Tax District Director I will provide leadership skills, balanced decision-making, financial analysis tools, and a commitment to transparency and accountability in the operations of the Tax District Board.

Relevant Experience
Since 2007, I have served as president of the Board of Directors of a condominium association in Colorado. I have been on the Board of Directors of that association since 1999.   While streamlining costs through fiscally challenging times, I have forged a positive working relationship with homeowners. I led our Board through a number of capital improvement projects and in setting cost effective and achievable goals for our management company. 

My 20+ years of activity with the Section of Labor & Employment Law of the American Bar Association, including my present tenure as an elected member of the governing Council, have been marked by positive and collegial relations between members who practice for both management firms and union/employee firms. As a past budget and finance chair I was effective in setting priorities that achieved long and short range goals for our membership.

Since 1982, my experience as owner and renter in Farmington Woods has contributed toward an understanding of the value of our community and the significant challenges we must face for the future.

My background is significant for professional and community leadership. I led my law firm through transitional times that allowed our firm to remain cost effective and competitive. I have led an active professional life while contributing leadership to the community through various Cornell alumni activities, and involvement with other associations.

I seek to use these skills for forge a more secure financial future for Farmington Woods.

Cornell University, A.B.
Boston University School of Law, J.D.
The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, M.B.A.
Kingswood-Oxford School, West Hartford, CT.

Joe Chudecki
17 Madison Lane

The reason I am interested in this position is that I believe that both the clubhouse and golf course can be run much more effectively and efficiently than currently.  I am concerned with maintaining property values within the community and think that much can be done if the operation is run more like a business.

My qualifications are a BSME from Duke and business degree.  I have done three business turn around's from 1990 to 2004 (manufacturing) and are what many consider to be a turn around specialist or sometimes a hatchet man.  I was typically hired by the board of directors of a company to come in and restructure operations.



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